Marketing, Stats and Basketball

This is a blog about scientific research in basketball , and it is mainly focused on marketing and statistics. The aim of this blog is to disseminate findings from studies conducted by our research group, share ideas, and discuss. You can write either in English or Spanish (but we recommend English in order to make your comments more accessible to international colleagues). We will be happy to count with your opinion regarding the topics we discuss. Welcome to Basket-Research.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

News about Magic Metric

My friend Dick Mays has revamped his coaching system based on the Magic Metric philosophy. Remember that I posted some material regarding this metric some months ago. I think it is a very interesting way of thinking about rotations in basketball. Maybe some coaches would be interested in the May's proposal.

Here I link the new paper on Dick Mays about this theme:

Please, be free to contact him (contact details are written in the paper), for any question or suggestion regarding this  paper.