Marketing, Stats and Basketball

This is a blog about scientific research in basketball , and it is mainly focused on marketing and statistics. The aim of this blog is to disseminate findings from studies conducted by our research group, share ideas, and discuss. You can write either in English or Spanish (but we recommend English in order to make your comments more accessible to international colleagues). We will be happy to count with your opinion regarding the topics we discuss. Welcome to Basket-Research.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Per-minute statistics in basketball. Minutes played affect performance?

We are pleased to announce a new publication. This is the provisional reference:

Martínez, J. A. y Martínez, L. (2010). El uso de indicadores de desempeño normalizados para la valoración de jugadores: el caso de las estadísticas por minuto en baloncesto. Motricidad. European Journal of Human Movement. Accepted for publication

This research empirically tests the hypothesis underlying the use of performance indicators in basketball, when they are normalized using the “per-minute” criterion: There is no association among normalized indicators and the minutes played by each player. This assumption is a necessary requirement in order to compare players using normalized indicators, because if this assumption is not met, then there would be a possible bias in the rankings of each statistical category. We apply several under-used methods in this type of research, such as the analysis of the intra-player variability and the structural equation modelling. Results show that there is no lineal association between the minutes played and the different per-minute normalized categories as: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. We discuss implications for sport performance and marketing. Therefore, this study contributes to the advance in one of the growing areas of sports research; such as basketball metrics.

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